- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <info xmlns:xsi= "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="https://apps.nextcloud.com/schema/apps/info.xsd">
- <id>raw</id>
- <name>Raw</name>
- <summary>Serves files on the World Wide Web</summary>
- <description>
- Raw simply returns any requested file, so you can link directly to a file itself (i.e. without any
- of NextCloud's interface around it). This enables you to host static web pages, images or other
- files, for example to link/embed them elsewhere on the web.
- For security and privacy, the content is served with a [Content-Security-Policy][] header. This
- header instructs browsers to not load any remote content, nor execute any scripts that it may
- contain (of course, the downside is that your web pages cannot use javascript for interactivity).
- ## Usage
- The common usage is to first share a file and enable public access through a link. If the share link
- is `https://my-nextcloud/s/aBc123DeF456xyZ`, then this app will provide access to the raw file at
- `https://my-nextcloud/apps/raw/s/aBc123DeF456xyZ`.
- Private files are also hosted by this app, but of course only to users that are logged in and
- have permission to read them. For example, a file named `test.html` in the Documents folder would be
- available at `https://my-nextcloud/apps/raw/files/Documents/test.html`.
- [Content-Security-Policy]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy
- </description>
- <version>0.0.1</version>
- <licence>agpl</licence>
- <author mail="gerben@treora.com">Gerben</author>
- <namespace>Raw</namespace>
- <category>files</category>
- <repository type="git">https://code.treora.com/gerben/nextcloud-raw</repository>
- <bugs>https://code.treora.com/gerben/nextcloud-raw/issues</bugs>
- <dependencies>
- <nextcloud min-version="14" max-version="14"/>
- </dependencies>
- </info>