# webextension-rpc This module provides a *Remote Procedure Call* abstraction around the message passing that is available to WebExtension (browser extension) scripts. It makes it easier to call a function in the background script from a tab’s content script, or vice versa. ## Example use In `background.js`: import { makeRemotelyCallable } from 'webextension-rpc' async function myFunc(arg) { return arg * 2 } makeRemotelyCallable({ myFunc }) In `content_script.js`: import { remoteFunction } from 'webextension-rpc' const myRemoteFunc = remoteFunction('myFunc') await myRemoteFunc(21) // 42! Note that the remote function always returns a `Promise`, which resolves with the remote function’s actual return value (if the return value is itself a Promise, its result is awaited too). ## Use in TypeScript When used TypeScript, the type of a remote/proxy function is nearly equal to its original, and can be derived from it automatically. For an example how to do this, see the `example` folder. ## Install ### Using NPM This module is published [on npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webextension-rpc), as an ES module. Run `npm install webextension-rpc` or equivalent, and in your code import what you need, e.g.: import { makeRemotelyCallable } from 'webextension-rpc' Or copy its `lib/index.js` and import from that if you prefer (this module has no dependencies). ## API ### `remoteFunction(functionName, { tabId })` Create a proxy function that invokes the specified remote function. - `functionName` (string, required): name of the function as registered on the remote side. - `options` (object, optional): - `tabId` (number): The id of the tab whose content script is the remote side. Leave undefined to call the background script (from a content script). ### `makeRemotelyCallable(functions, { insertExtraArg })` Register one or more functions to enable remote scripts to call them. Arguments: - `functions` (object, required): An object with a `{ functionName: function }` mapping. Each function will be remotely callable using the given name. ### `injectRpcInfo` If the special symbol `injectRpcInfo` is passed as the first argument to a proxy function, this argument will be replaced on the executing side by an `RpcInfo` object, which contains the following attributes: - `tab`: the [`Tab`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/Tab), from which the call was made, if it was made by a content script. [Tab]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/tabs/Tab