import { Component, h, Fragment, createRef } from 'preact'; import cls from 'classnames'; import { AnnotationSource } from '../storage/AnnotationSource'; import classes from './AnnotationStoreSelector.module.scss'; interface AnnotationStoreSelectorProps {} interface AnnotationStoreSelectorState { possiblyWritableSources?: AnnotationSource[]; selectedSource?: AnnotationSource | null; testSuccess?: boolean; } export class AnnotationStoreSelector extends Component< AnnotationStoreSelectorProps, AnnotationStoreSelectorState > { state: AnnotationStoreSelectorState = {}; selectElement = createRef(); testButton = createRef(); override async componentDidMount() { await this.loadData(); } async loadData() { const possiblyWritableSources = await AnnotationSource.getPossiblyWritableSources(); const selectedSource = possiblyWritableSources.find( (source) =>, ); this.setState({ possiblyWritableSources: possiblyWritableSources, selectedSource, }); } async onChange() { const optionValue = this.selectElement.current?.value; const selectedSourceId = optionValue ? +optionValue : null; const selectedSource = selectedSourceId ? await AnnotationSource.get(selectedSourceId) : null; this.setState({ selectedSource, testSuccess: false }); } async testCreateAnnotation() { this.testButton.current?.classList.add(classes.loading); const { selectedSource } = this.state; try { if (!selectedSource) throw new Error('No source selected to test.'); await selectedSource.testWritable(); this.setState({ testSuccess: true }); // Flag the selected source, unflag the others. const allSources = await AnnotationSource.getAll(); await Promise.all( => source.useForNewAnnotations( ===, ), ), ); await this.loadData(); } catch (error) { this.setState({ testSuccess: false }); alert(error); } finally { this.testButton.current?.classList.remove(classes.loading); } } render( {}: AnnotationStoreSelectorProps, { possiblyWritableSources, selectedSource, testSuccess, }: AnnotationStoreSelectorState, ) { // List sources, sorting previously connected ones first. const optionsList = possiblyWritableSources ?.sort((a, b) => === ? 0 : ? 1 : -1, ) .map((source) => ( )); if (optionsList?.length === 0) { return (

To create annotations, first subscribe to a collection (that you have write access to).

); } return ( <>

Choose the collection to store/publish annotations you create:

{selectedSource && ( <> { && && (

Your browser appears to have lost write access to the collection. Please click reconnect to try log in again.

)} )} ); } }