{ "appName": { "message": "Bookmark audio fragment", "description": "The name of the application" }, "appShortName": { "message": "Bookmark audio fragment", "description": "The short_name (maximum of 12 characters recommended) is a short version of the app's name." }, "appDescription": { "message": "Browser extension to bookmark fragments of audio files", "description": "The description of the application" }, "copySelectionContextMenuItemForFragment": { "message": "Copy link to selected fragment", "description": "The context menu item to copy a selected audio fragment" }, "copySelectionContextMenuItemForSingleMoment": { "message": "Copy link to selected moment", "description": "The context menu item to copy a selected moment" }, "bookmarkSelectionContextMenuItemForFragment": { "message": "Bookmark selected fragment", "description": "The context menu item to bookmark a selected audio fragment" }, "bookmarkSelectionContextMenuItemForSingleMoment": { "message": "Bookmark selected moment", "description": "The context menu item to bookmark a selected single moment" } }