import delay from 'delay'; import { makeRemotelyCallable, remoteFunction } from 'webextension-rpc'; function describeSelection() { const playlist = self.playlist; if (!playlist) { throw new Error('Player has not been initialised.'); } let { start, end } = playlist.getTimeSelection(); // Waveform Playlist tells us end=start when the selection is just a single line. if (end === start) end = undefined; // Round the numbers to two decimals. if (start !== undefined) start = Math.round(start * 100) / 100; if (end !== undefined) end = Math.round(end * 100) / 100; const fragmentIdentifier = `t=${start || ''}` + (end ? `,${end}` : ''); const selector = { type: 'FragmentSelector', conformsTo: '', value: fragmentIdentifier, }; return selector; } makeRemotelyCallable({ describeSelection, }); async function init() { let menuEl; function cleanupMenu() { if (!menuEl) return; menuEl.parentNode.removeChild(menuEl); menuEl = undefined; } function onContextMenu(event) { event.preventDefault(); const left = event.pageX; const top = event.pageY; const playlist = self.playlist; if (!playlist) { throw new Error('Player has not been initialised.'); } let { start, end } = playlist.getTimeSelection(); const fragmentIsSelected = start !== end; cleanupMenu(); menuEl = document.createElement('ul'); const liEl = document.createElement('li'); menuEl.appendChild(liEl); menuEl.setAttribute('style', `list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: absolute; top: ${top}; left: ${left}; z-index: 9999999; background: #eee; border: 1px solid black;`); const buttonEl = document.createElement('button'); buttonEl.innerText = browser.i18n.getMessage(fragmentIsSelected ? 'bookmarkSelectionContextMenuItemForFragment' : 'bookmarkSelectionContextMenuItemForSingleMoment' ); buttonEl.addEventListener('click', remoteFunction('createBookmark')); liEl.appendChild(buttonEl); document.body.appendChild(menuEl); } document.addEventListener('contextmenu', onContextMenu, false); document.addEventListener('click', event => { cleanupMenu(); }) } init();